Jordan Fitness are supporting Scotty’s Challenge this November.

Raising money for Scotty’s Little Soldiers, The Scotty Challenge is being held virtually throughout November and beyond, in memory of our fallen heroes and in support of their children left behind.

With the UK in lockdown and only outdoor exercise permitted throughout November, this is a great opportunity to set yourself this epic goal, and work towards completing this challenge, whilst raising money and awareness of this well-respected charity.

The Scotty Challenge

Not for the fainthearted, The Scotty Challenge is a high endurance workout that can be done any time, from anywhere suitable, with many people planning to start the challenge over Remembrance weekend, in honour of our fallen heroes.

How to get involved

There is no cost to sign up but of course you are encouraged to raise money on behalf on the charity and if possible, donate to this cause.

How to prepare for the challenge

If you are not quite ready physically for this challenge, or are unable to commit to the challenge in full, but still want to improve your fitness (military style), we’ve put together this Mini Scotty’s Challenge Workout to help with your preparations.

  • 200m Run with Sandbag on back
  • Squat hold with Sandbag on back - 25 seconds
  • Push ups with Sandbag on back - 25 reps
  • Plank with Sandbag on back - 50 seconds
  • Burpees - 25 reps
  • Overhead Sandbag hold - 25 seconds
  • Bear crawl - 50 metres
  • Thrusters with/without dumbbells- 50 reps
  • 200m Run with Sandbag on back

SUGGESTED SANDBAG WEIGHT: 15kg for men/10kg for women.

We’re also giving you 15% off Sandbags and other fitness kit to help you prepare for this challenge. Simply sign up to Scotty's Challenge to receive the code. We’ll also be donating 5% of your order value to Scotty’s Little Soldiers charity, so a great opportunity to get the kit you need whilst giving to this great cause.

More about Scotty’s Little Soldiers

Scotty’s Little Soldiers was founded in 2010 by war widow Nikki Scott, a year after her husband, Corporal Lee Scott (known as Scotty), was killed in action. Nikki saw the devastating impact on their two young children and wanted to help others in the same situation.

The charity arranges for bereaved Forces families to go on respite breaks, organises special events, sends presents to the children at extra difficult times of year, offers wellbeing care, as well as educational support and grants. Being part of the Scotty community reminds hundreds of bereaved Forces children they aren’t alone.

For anyone who has lost a loved one who served, Remembrance is every day, but a ‘November to Remember’ campaign by Scotty’s Little Soldiers, encourages everyone to take the time to think about the ultimate sacrifices made by our servicemen and women and their families left behind.

Scotty’s ambassador, Sergeant Major Glenn Haughton OBE, is backing the ‘November to Remember’ campaign and fronting The Scotty Challenge.

Glenn said: “The Scotty Challenge has been designed in a way that anyone can attempt it. It’s a tough challenge, a challenge that will test you physically and mentally and it’s a challenge that is befitting of our fallen heroes whose children have sadly been left behind. Just remember that your participation, your determination and your sweat and effort will go some way to supporting our bereaved Service children.” 

Jordan Fitness Supporting Scotty's Little Soldiers

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