Olympic Games Family Fun Day

There is no denying that the Olympics this year are different, with various restrictions in place all over the world. It is important now more than ever for us to celebrate the athletes while we cherish time with family, and there is no better way to do that than a family fun day!

Here is some inspiration for your own at-home Olympic Games that is fun for all the family!

Round 1 - Tug of War

Although this isn't featured in the Olympics, a tug of war is a firm favourite for school sports days! Using a strong rope, divide into two teams and have them pull on each end until one crosses the line. This is a great event to start off the day as it really encourages team spirit and fun competitiveness!


Round 2 - Hurdle Running Race

This event can be done either in teams or individually, depending on the amount of people attending and whether you’re all a competitive bunch!

jordan fitness hurdles obstacle course olympics family fun day

Grab a set of hurdles and set them up in a line. Have each participant run and jump over the hurdles, round a cone and back again – whoever does it in the quickest time wins. The hurdles are smaller and lightweight enough to avoid difficulty and injury, so participants of all ages can enjoy this event!


Round 3 - Bean Bag Toss

Set up 5 buckets that are the same colour as the Olympic rings (Blue, Red, Yellow, Green and Black). Each person gets 5 bean bags to try and throw into each bucket – those who get the most bean bags in the buckets wins the round! You can also play this in teams of 5 if you prefer, with each person getting one bean bag to toss into a bucket of their choice. 


Round 4 - Egg and Spoon Race

A firm family favourite, we all have fond memories of school sports days racing to see if we can get our eggs past the finish line first. 

Boil an egg for each person, and have them all race to see who can reach the finish line without dropping their egg from their spoon. You could also add in some small obstacles such as hurdles to make it more interesting! 


Final Round - Obstacle Course

The entire family can get involved with this event!

Use some equipment to design various ‘stages’ of the course as follows:

  1. Jump over a set of various hurdles
  2. Pick up a skipping rope and do 10 jumps
  3. Set up a section of cones placed upside down – have the participants turn them all the right way before carrying on to the next section of the course.

If you think of any other ideas for stages, add them to the course in whatever way you like!

Olympic Games Family Fun Day Obstacle Course

Once all the events have finished, make sure you have enough medals for each participant to have, as everyone is a winner to Jordan Fitness!

Looking for a more intense, effective Olympic workout? Check out this blog post to find a workout we created inspired by the training of actual Olympic athletes at Tokyo 2020!


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