Supply exceeds demand. But not for long…
Only a few months ago certain figures within the industry were suggesting that 'functional' fitness was merely a fad that would fizzle out and...
Functional Fitness is just a fad?
In 1943 the Chairman of IBM, Thomas Watson, quoted "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers". A conservative estimate considering...
The lifespan of a PT
Ever since I can remember my Dad told me to choose a career that I enjoy because I would have to do it for a loooong time. Well, I like telling peo...
How does YOUR functional space stand out?
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years you will be fully aware that the industry has undergone a huge transition. Row upon...
Functional Training with Soft Plyometric Boxes
The new Soft Plyometric Boxes are a fantastic new addition to the range of performance functional equipment. So, with more and more trainers and cl...
What's your difference?
When it comes to business and products, what sets your product or business apart from the rest of the crowd? Some may say the best products or th...
Can exercise cure the problems caused by sitting?
On some our education courses, like our Extreme Circuits Workshop, we look to promote the benefits of HIIT (High Intensity Intermittent Training) a...
What’s Hot
Trends for 2013 include: HIIT HIIT, which stands for High Intensity Interval (or Intermittent) Training, involves structured periods of exercisin...
Undulating Training with Battle Ropes
Battle Ropes have fast become one of the most popular new pieces of functional equipment in the last few years, particularly after being used pr...
So what does the future of fitness look like?
It is always interesting to try and guess which direction an industry will take, and predict what trends will be popular. As Steve Jobs said, “you ...
Building the Perfect Bottom
There are lots of men and women looking to sculpt their derrière into the perfect bottom, so the two questions that arise are (1) What is the perfe...
5 Things to Consider for your Functional Area/Facility
By Jordan Fitness Director of Education, Allan Collins 1 - User Demographic? For any product that a business wants to promote or sell, th...
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