Aaron Howlett has quite a life story, a few years ago weighing almost 30 stones, his doctor told him to "sort it out or you will die". He wanted to live and see his 2 year old niece grow up. So, taking part in Channel 4's first series of The Biggest Loser, he shed 10 stones in 18 weeks and won the series. Since then Aaron has ran 10 marathons, various charity walks and cycling events.

On Saturday 17th August, Aaron will be walking back and forth across Hulls' Humber Bridge carrying a massive 100lbs of Jordan Fitness weights on his back in a 12 hour endurance race through the night (7pm-7am). This is all in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust.

Click below to link to his Just Giving page.


Alternatively, you can text a donation to

HOTH69 £5 to 70070.


You can follow Aaron on Twitter @AaronHowlett


We wish Aaron all the very best of luck on the 17th of August!

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